Election1 - Proving Grounds


Let's start by enumerate all TCP ports with nmap.
nmap -sCV -p- --min-rate 1000 -v
Pasted image 20241001172049.png
I have SSH(port 22), and Apache (port 80).
Let's jump to Apache.

Apache - port 80
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I see a default apache page so let's try to enumerate hidden subdirectories with gobuster.

Find Subdirectories - Gobuster

gobuster dir -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -u -x php -b 404,403
Pasted image 20241001172602.png
After i get subdomains let's explore and see what we have by starting with /robots.txt.
Pasted image 20241001172818.png
We see several subdirectories here so let's try to use them.
Pasted image 20241001172943.png
I foundout a election page with /election subdirectory wich i will now explore more. On page below i saw a username called admin1.
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Now let's find again subdirectories this time on /election subdirectory.
gobuster dir -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -u -x php -b 404,403
Pasted image 20241001173303.png
I see a /admin so let's go to it.
Pasted image 20241001173419.png
I see a login page requiring Admin's ID and after a put random value i got a response saying that i only got 5 more tries before i get blocked. Let's find Admin's ID.
Pasted image 20241001173554.png
I found some code on binary so let's decode it.

Decode Binary to Text

Let's use this link to decode binary and see what we get.
Pasted image 20241001174031.png
Pasted image 20241001174045.png
Now we have 1234:Zxc123!@# credentials let's loggin on /admin subdirectory.
Pasted image 20241001174233.png


eLection 2.0

I foundout a link and this link about a eLection 2.0 - 'id' SQL Injection so let's create a candidate on Candidate page.
Pasted image 20241001175244.png

Using Burpsuite to Intercept and Modify Traffic - Rabbit Hole

Set Burpsuite to intercept traffic and then click on the green edit user button. You will capture traffic similar to the one above.
Pasted image 20241001175418.png
Right click in the raw output window of the intercepted traffic, and select “Copy to file”. Select what you want to name it and where you want to save it, then click “Save”. We’ll use this later for SQLmap.
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Right click in the same way you did to save the traffic to a file, and select “Send to repeater”. We’re going to use Repeater to verify that this application’s “id” parameter is vulnerable. If we send the unmodified traffic, we get output that corresponds to the user’s information.
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 If we change the “id” parameter to an integer that doesn’t match a user, Repeater will return a 404 error.
  Pasted image 20241001175747.png

SQL Injection

Let's try to use “AND 1=1” to the “id” parameter and prove that the application is vulnerable to SQL injection.
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By running another payload that can be found through the CVE’s attached GitHub reference page, you will find that, yet again, we won’t receive a 404 error.
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PHPmyadmin page - Rabbit Hole

I found a /phpadmin subdirectory when i was doing subdirectory enumeration with gobuster and so let's access it with default credentials wich root:toor credentials it work it.
Pasted image 20241001181036.png
I will look on the databases and see if i can find more information.
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I try to crack this hashed passwords but without success so let's try to enumerate more with dirb this time.

Find Subdirectories - dirb

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There is a /log subdirectory so let's see it.
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I foundout a system log so let's see whats inside.
Pasted image 20241001183859.png
Now i have love:P@$$w0rd@123 credentials so let's try to access on SSH.
ssh love@
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Privilege Escalation

Let's first get user flag.
cd Desktop
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SUDO privileges

Now let's see sudo commands for start.
sudo -l
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SUID Binaries

Now let's check for SUID binaries.
find / -perm /u=s 2>/dev/null
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Serv-U - PE Linux

I notice about a Serv-U programm so i will search for a exploit. I found out a exploit on this link in c about this so let's download and use it.
python3 -m http.server 80
gcc 47009.c -o 47009
chmod +x 47009
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Let's get root flag.
cd /root
Pasted image 20241001191618.png
find / -iname local.txt -type f 2>/dev/null
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