Boolean - Proving Grounds


Let's start by enumerating all TCP ports with nmap.
nmap -sCV -v -p- --min-rate 1000 -T4
Pasted image 20240916141806.png
Pasted image 20240916141830.png
We have SSH(port 22), Apache Server(port 80) and other Apache Server(port 33017).
Let's start by explore port 80.

Port 80
Pasted image 20240916151450.png
We see a login page on this domain so let's explore port 33017 this time.

Port 33017
Pasted image 20240916151604.png

Gobuster on port 80

Let's check for subdirectories on port 80 with gobuster.
gobuster dir -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -u
Pasted image 20240916151935.png
We notice that there is a robots.txt subdirectory so let's access it.
Pasted image 20240916152019.png
Since we don't have nothing usefull let's try to register on this login page as admin1 since admin is already taken.
Pasted image 20240916153115.png

Confirmation Page - Burp Suite

Now we try to login and we see a confirmation page that says we need to confirm the resgistration of admin1.
Pasted image 20240916153700.png
If we choose to edit and confirm the changed email we will capture on BurpSuite. In the response, There is a parameter “ Confirmed: false ”.
Pasted image 20240916154055.png
I add user%5Bconfirmed%5D=true and it worked on Repeater.
Pasted image 20240916154332.png
So let's access on Proxy and login as admin1.
Pasted image 20240916154545.png

Upload Webshell on File Manager

It shows a File manager page wich we can upload files so let's upload a reverse shell that i created on this link.
nano webshell.php
Pasted image 20240916154827.png
Now let's start a listener and wait for the connection.
nc -lvnp 4444
When we click the URL is downloading and not executing.
Pasted image 20240916155021.png


Here we applied LFI.
Pasted image 20240916160731.png
Since we can download a file with /etc/passwd content let's get private keys so that we can use it to access via ssh.
We also notice that there is a user called remi so let's try to check if we have a .ssh folder on remi's home.
Pasted image 20240916161008.png
Here we see that there is in fact ssh keys so let's create our rsa keys and upload to authorized_keys to access as remi user.
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cp /root/.ssh/ authorized_keys
Pasted image 20240916162123.png
ssh remi@ -i id_rsa
Pasted image 20240916162142.png

Privilege Escalation

After this i found some ssh keys about root so let's try to configure private ssh key on my local machine and try to access with it.
cd .ssh/keys
cat root
Pasted image 20240916162601.png
ssh -i root root@
Pasted image 20240916171020.png

Received disconnect from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures

It shows a Received disconnect from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures wich means we must use IdentitiesOnly=yes flag.
ssh -i root -o IdentitiesOnly=yes root@ -v
Pasted image 20240916171034.png
Now let's get root flag.
Pasted image 20240916171112.png